This is probably the first truly great iOS FX App, and it is and always has been wonderful, with a fantastic, responsible developer, who provided more fantastic updates over the course of nearly 2 years than any iOS Music Production Dev out there. Ignore the troll who was probably contracted out by someone with sabotage interests to attempt to steer you away. Instead, go to iOS Musician Facebook and see what kind of opinions you get from informed folks (those who can spell “Elephantcandy” correctly, for example) who know what they are taking about and they will tell you that Holderness media is at the Apex of iOS Music Production tools on multiple levels…(BUGGY, BUGGY, Sugarbytes, great as they are, are 5 times the cost, have fiddly interfaces, and initial releases of Turnado and WOW were notorious for bugs. Ignore the clown who trolled this site, and grab Echo Pad. It is an astounding bargain at ten times the price...
Twirling Erling about Echo Pad - Delay FX Processor, v1.8.2